Primary level (Primary level consists of 5 consecutive classes with 15 hours of course work)
1. Introduction to objective c and swift programming
2. Core framework, arrey, strings and functionality
3. Xcode configuration and usability testing.
4. Idea generation and built product for your iPhone device and Apple watch.
5. Workshop 1
Advance level (Advance level consists of 5 consecutive classes with 15 hours of course work)
1. Case study and apps analysis
2. WatchKit analysis and component testing
3. Workshop 2
4. Digital market and global scenario
5. App building mechanism and component analysis.
Expert Level (Expert level consists of 4 consecutive classes and workshops and 12 hours course work)
1. Xcode frame work and watch kit documentation.
2.Workshop 3
3. Application launching and submit into app store.
4. Workshop 4
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